INDEHESA. Instituto de Investigación de la Dehesa. Universidad de Extremadura.

Publicaciones de la Unidad Tecnológica

Rebollo F.J., Moral F.J., Sánchez A. (2019). Modelos de Rasch. Identificación de variables prioritarias para el desarrollo turístico de zonas rurales con presencia  de masas de agua en el entorno, utilizando el método de valoración contingente y el modelo de Rasch. Fundación FYDE Cajacanarias.

Polo, M.E., Cuartero, A., Felicísimo, A.M. (2019). Study of uncertainty and repeatability in structured-light 3D scanners. ArXiv.

Mayoral, V., Charro, C., Salgado, J. A., Pro, C., De Tena, M.T., Chapa, T., Vallés, J., Terrón, J.M., Quirós, E. (2019). Radiography of an Iron Age hillfort: non-invasive archaeology in the settlement of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Cáceres). 989/tp.2019.12239.

González-Naharro R., Quirós E., Fernández-Rodríguez S., Silva-Palacios I., Maya-Manzano J.M., Tormo-Molina R., Pecero-Casimiro R., Monroy-Colin A., Gonzalo-Garijo Á. (2019). Relationship of NDVI and oak (Quercus)pollen including a predictive model in the SW Mediterranean region. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.213.

Fragoso-Campón L., Quirós E., Mora J., Gutiérrez Gallego J.A., Durán-Barroso P. (2019). Overstory-understory land cover mapping at the watershed scale: accuracy enhancement by multitemporal remote sensing analysis and LiDAR. 10.1007/s11356-019-04520-8.

Polo, M.E., Cuartero, A., Felicísimo, A.M. (2019). Study of uncertainty and repeatability in structured-light 3D scanners. ArXiv.

Moral F.J., Rebollo F.J., Serrano J.M. (2019). stimating and mapping pasture soil fertility in a portuguese montado based on a objective model and geostatistical techniques. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

Paniagua L., García A., Moral F.J., Rebollo F.J. (2019). Aridity in the Iberian Peninsula (1960-2017): distribution, tendencies, and changes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

Moral, F.J., Rebollo, F.J., Serrano, J.M. (2019). Delineating site‑specific management zones on pasture soil using a probabilistic and objective model and geostatistical techniques. Precision Agriculture.

Moral, F.J., Rebollo, F.J.,  Valiente, P.,  López, F. (2019). Modeling of Atmospheric Pollution in Urban and Rural Sites Using a Probabilistic and Objective Approach. Applied Sciences (Switzerland).

Moral, F.J.,  Rebollo, F.J. , Campillo, C., Serrano, J.M. (2019). Using an objective and probabilistic model to delineate homogeneous zones in hedgerow olive orchards. Soil & Tillage Research.

Moral, F.J.,  Rebollo, F.J., Foz, L., Méndez, F. (2019). Using an objective measurement model to determine the corrective maintenance demand in the field of hospital engineering. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management.

Bustos, P., Manso L.J., Bandera, A. J., Bandera, J. P., García-Varea, I., Martínez-Gómez, J. (2019). The CORTEX cognitive robotics architecture: Use cases. Cognitive Systems Research.Vol 55 pp 107-123, 2019.

Marfil, R., Romero-Garces, A., Bandera, J. P., Manso, L. J., Calderita, L. V., Bustos, P., Bandera, A., Garcia-Polo, J., Fernandez, F., Voilmy, D. (2019). Perceptions or Actions? Grounding. How Agents Interact Within a Software Architecture for Cognitive Robotics. Cognitive Computation pp 1-9 November 2019

Buforn, E., C. Pro, C. Sanz de Galdeano, J.V. Cantavella, S. Cesca, B. Caldeira, A. Udías y M. Mattesini (2017). The 2016 south Alboran earthquake (Mw = 6.4): A reactivation of the Ibero-Maghrebian region? Tectonophysics,712,704-715.

Dos Santos, M., Ribeiro, P. O., Núñez, P., Drews-Jr, P., & Botelho, S. (2017) Object Classification in Semi Structured Enviroment Using Forward-Looking Sonar. Sensors, vol. 17, iss. 10.

Dos Santos, P. O., Núñez, P., Drews-Jr, P., & Botelho, S.  (2017). Object Recognition and Semantic Mapping for Underwater Vehicles Using Sonar Data. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems.

Felicísimo Pérez, Á. M. y Martín-Tardío, M. Á. (2017). A method of downscaling temperature maps based on analytical hillshading for use in species distribution modeling. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 1–10

Fragoso, L., Quirós, E., & Durán-Barroso, P. (2017). Resource communication: Variability in estimated runoff in a forested area based on different cartographic data sources. Forest Systems26(2), 02.

Gutiérrez Giraldo, M. A., Manso Argüelles, L. J., Pandya, H. & Núñez, P. (2017). A Passive Learning Sensor Architecture for Multimodal Image Labeling: An Application for Social Robots. Sensors, vol. 17, iss. 2, 2017.

Koganti, T.,Moral, F.J.,Rebollo, F.J.,Huang, J., Triantafilis, J. (2017). Mapping cation exchange capacity using a Veris-3100 instrument and invVERIS modelling software. Science of the Total Environment 599–600 (2017) 2156–2165.

Moral, F.J.,Rebollo, F.J. (2017). Characterization of soil fertility using the Rasch model. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2017, 17 (2), 486-498.

Moral, F.J.,Paniagua, L.L.,Rebollo, F.J. García-Martín, A. (2017).Spatial analysis of the annual and seasonal aridity trends in Extremadura, southwestern Spain. Theor Appl Climatol (2017) 130:917–932.

Rebollo, F.J., Moral, F.J., Campillo, C., Marques da Silva, J.R., Serrano, J.M., Pérez-Rodríguez, J.M. (2017). Delineation of management zones based on the Rasch model in an olive orchard. Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017, (2017), 8:2, pp 610–614.

Serrano, J. Shahidian, S. Marques da Silva, J.R., Moral, F.J., Rebollo, F.J. (2017). Proximal sensing for monitoring the productivity of a permanent Mediterranean pasture: influence of rainfall patterns. Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017, (2017), 8:2, pp 796–801.

Sánchez, J., & Quirós, E. (2017). Semiautomatic detection and classification of materials in historic buildings with low-cost photogrammetric equipment. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 25, 21-30.